Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

First and foremost, I HATE Tom Cruise. Honestly, he is my least favorite actor of all time and I try to avoid his movies like the plague.
That being said, I actually liked Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol as its own stand-alone movie well enough to give it 6/10.

I had never seen any of the Mission Impossible movies (remember, I don't watch Tom Cruise movies). So, going into this, all I knew was 1. Tom Cruise 2. Mission Impossible theme song 3. Simon Pegg was in this movie 4. It had something to do with spies 5. Tom Cruise supposedly died at the end of MI3.6.IMAX makes every movie worth watching.
The movie is about Tom Cruise's character, Ethan Hunt, first being broke out of a jail. That was entertaining and I still smile thinking about the silent banter between him and Simon Pegg's character, Benji. Benji is the computer guy in the van and the one who controls the locks on the prison doors. Tom Cruise's character went against the plan and their little power struggle was amusing. The team then goes on (with an added female counterpart) to infiltrate some company. Again, Tom Cruise and Simon Pegg make me laugh. We'll just say it's because I love Simon Pegg as an actor. Anywho, they fail to get the codes to some nuclear weapons and the company ends up blowing up. Here is where Ethan's now being followed by some authority guy because he figures Ethan did the blowing up. Tom Cruise escapes the hospital of course and rendezvous with the Secretary and his assistant (Jeremy Renner). After being told that Ethan is going to be on his own and considered a fugitive (but still telling him what and how to clear things up without officially telling him), the car is under attack. Only Ethan and Brent (Jeremy Renner's character) survive and therefore, adding a fourth member to the team. It is up to Ethan, Benji, Brent and Jane to get the codes from a contract killer while making sure they do not fall into the wrong hands. It's a lot of action and chasing and yada yada spy stuff.
I very much liked it for Simon Pegg's humor (I'm a sucker for the sidekicks and the computer guy in the van is a clear definition of a sidekick) and for Jeremy Renner. His character's back story was a behind the scenes one of Ethan Hunt's marriage.

So, overall, if you want to see a movie that is full of action and some humor, give this movie a try. I'm not a Tom Cruise fan by any stretch of the imagination but I did enjoy a few of his quirks. The movie kept me entertained.

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