Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Muppets (2011)

I know, two entries in one day! But it was a busy Christmas weekend.
The Muppets was fantastic! I felt like a kid again!

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

First and foremost, I HATE Tom Cruise. Honestly, he is my least favorite actor of all time and I try to avoid his movies like the plague.
That being said, I actually liked Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol as its own stand-alone movie well enough to give it 6/10.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Kinky Boots // Wristcutters: A Love Story

While I am an insane movie buff most of the time, I have gotten to the point where I am okay in just watching a movie for the sheer fun of it. I don't have to own every movie I enjoy...
Sometimes, however, that plan fails and there are movies that I watch and then repeatedly rent before I end up buying them. Two of those films are Wristcutters: A Love Story and Kinky Boots.

"Why am I leaving you? I'm afraid in this life, Lola has always been drawn to the most daring, most exciting, There is tell of a mystical place just north of here called North Hampton. Exciting, because it contains a shoe factory struggling to survive against all odds. Daring, because it's run by a man brave enough to recognize that a factory is its people, not it's bricks. And sexy, well, because now I work there. And the craftsman of fantasy, for ladies, gentlemen and those of you who are yet to make up your mind... tonight I give you The Kinky Boot Factory"

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Iron Man, Captain America & Thor! Oh My!

I am very excited for the Avengers movie when it comes out. Not only do I love Joss Whedon who is directing, I love Iron Man, comic book movies and the like.
Unlike my roommate, I loved the Iron Man series so far starring Robert Downey Jr and directed by Jon Favreau. My father was into the comic books and my roommate is now into them. I can relate to that culture quite well and every year plan my Comicon trip although the days fail me. My first favorite comic book film was Mystery Men. I also love Tank Girl very much.
But, Marvel is the mainstream right now. X-Men, Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Hulk...they're all working towards something even bigger: The Avengers. It's a big topic right now.