Sunday, April 8, 2012

Silent House (2012)

Silent House's movie trailer looked good and suspenseful if not not scary. A young woman (Elizabeth Olsen) is trapped in a house. Cue the jumps, bumps and active imagination...and scary bad guys. And from the buzz, it sounded exciting. The movie was made in one continuous shot--really, it was just a collection of really long takes that really felt to the untrained eye as if there were no cuts or edits. The main character of Sarah (Olsen) is helping her dad and uncle clear out their old summer house when her uncle and dad have a fight, her uncle leaves and not long after, her dad has been attacked in another room of the house.

First and foremost, Elizabeth Olsen is not her sisters. Unfortunately, I will always consider Elizabeth Olsen as Lizzie, Mary Kate and Ashley's bratty little sister. B-U-T-T Out is about Lizzie...and sadly I don't have to look it up to remember. Psychically, she is vastly different than her sisters. Most notably, Lizzie actually looks healthy whereas Mary Kate and Ashley are the skin and bones type. Her voice is more defined and not her sisters'. I wish her the best in her film career...she seems to be focused on the more indie features that focus a lot on her acting rather than gimmicks. Silent House is so much better than Martha Marcy Mae Marlene (which was not horrible).

Sorry. Enough about Elizabeth Olsen. Silent House was not a few audience members' favorite movie but my movie buddy and I found it to be quite enjoyable! It was clearly intense!! For the most part, you felt as if you were trapped with her. You felt your adrenaline. And while it was not exactly a surprise ending, it at least did good in bringing you to this point. 

Would I see it again? Yes. Maybe once more.
Would I recommend it? To some people.
Silent House 7/10

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