Sunday, February 12, 2012

Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace 3D

Alright, so big movies are going to start popping up to make even more money off their franchise and fame...we all knew it would happen. I mean, Disney is doing it, James Cameron is doing it and now, George Lucas is getting in on this money-making scheme.
 And even though I wish it were not a damper on the pocket book, I was excited to see Star Wars Episode I: Phantom Menace in 3D today. And while I don't know if I will see all of the others in 3D, I am glad that another generation gets to experience Star Wars. And believe me, there were plenty of young kids in the theater today. Plenty of parents and older generations sitting eagerly in line behind us.

Now, don't get me wrong, I think that the Lion King is an amazing film but I own it on DVD. I don't need to go out and spend even more money on a ticket when I could watch it for free. Same goes for Titanic (when it is re-released in theaters). I saw it plenty of times in theaters, I don't need to do it again. The Star Wars franchise is huge. Every age is Star Wars fans. I mean, you've got little kids tuning into Cartoon Network to watch cartoons of the Clone War show while their parents reminisce about the original trilogy that started it all.

Personally, I was about twelve with the Episode I came out in theaters. I was hooked! I wanted to be a jedi. I loved Obi-Wan. I loved Anakin. I loved Qui-Jon. I was nuts about it. Episodes II and III were good and I do like the original trilogy. But it is always the first one you see in the series that gets you hooked. (I stand firm by this because I fell in love with the Blues Brothers franchise because of BB2000...I don't care what anyone says) As I got older, my love for Obi Wan became more and more about Ewan McGregor...which is another story all on its own. But I love Episode I and I was very greatful to see it in theaters once more.

Now, I am not the type to go see it at midnight opening night...I had contemplated doing it simply because I felt I would be all alone in the fact that I wanted to see it. Thankfully, I have a family full of nerd/geek people who were just as eager as I was to see it and therefore, we called it a family outing to go see it together.

I know that a lot of people call IV, V & VI the original trilogy. Yes, I will give you that. And some people don't like the first three like they like the second three. It's all about perception. I take them as two separate trilogies. My parents watched the originals. I watched the new ones. You can't have one without the other to truly appreciate what happened and why. They have their own storylines with one major sub-plot.

As a series, the movies rate about a 9/10 for me personally.
Episode I is a 9/10 as a movie on its own...but that could be because of my background with this film.
As a 3D movie? It's about average. There's nothing overly exciting about it being in 3D except for the pod racing but even then, it is still a bit casual. You're driving, you're watching, you're on the sidelines, you're back to Anakin's view, you're watching from the stadium. It's a series of normal shots to depict action...I believe only a few scenes were added (but I could be wrong?...I don't remember seeing some of the scenes from the extended I don't know).

If you want to relive Star Wars, go see it.
If you've seen it and like the movies, you can spend your time watching them on DVD or on TV (Spike TV airs the saga regularly).
Not worth the money for the 3D (personally) but I gladly paid (well, was paid for/would have paid) to relive it on the big screen as a young adult as opposed to when I saw it as a pre-teen.

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